Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Andrew Goes To Inauguation Day!!!

Andrew had the opportunity to go the inauguration ceremony in Washington DC. Regardless of how some might feel about the change over, this was a very historic day. Andrew will be able to say "I was there" when the first black President was inaugurated. He had a great day. It was fun to see him on TV too.

Andrew's view of the inauguration ceremony.
Andrew was cold!!
Andrew and his friend from Colorado, Steven Tobler, were standing by the MSNBC tent and got their cute little mugs on TV. I saw them 4 different times. I recorded it and then froze the photo on the TV to take this photo. He is not too shy!

1 comment:

MOM said...

Dear Andrew:

AAAWsome!!! What a great opportunity...and you were there.

History in the making.

Love ya, Grandma Carole